The Friends Book Club meets at the Millennium Library at 10:15 a.m. on the third Tuesday of the month, September to June. You will find us in a meeting room on the second floor (ask for directions at the Special Services desk). Casual drop-ins and new members are always welcome.
However, until Millennium Library resumes onsite programs, the Friends’ Day Book Club is meeting virtually by Zoom. Contact Faith at 204- 813-3624 for details.
More about the Book Club
The Friends began two book clubs in 2001, one which met in the day time, the other in the evening. Lynda Bagacki was designated by the Friends’ board to oversee the daytime one. Lynda passed the baton to Faith Johnston a few years ago. If Faith’s name rings a bell, you may have read one her best-selling books! And Faith isn’t the only published member; Hazel Birt is the writer and illustrator of a number of books.
As with most book clubs, books are suggested and voted on and chosen a few months ahead. The titles are varied. “Many of us find that we read books we would normally not choose and that are interesting to us” (Hazel Birt).
At each meeting, the person who originally suggested the title will start the discussion by reviewing the book and then they go around the table so that everyone has the opportunity to share their own opinions. Listening and considering other points of view is important: “They often see things I miss or see things from a different angle.” (Valerie Wilson).