WHEN: Wednesday, April 6, 2016
2:00 p.m.
WHERE: Millennium Library, 251 Donald Street, second floor, Anhang Room
All members are encouraged to attend.
Guest Speaker: Rick Walker, Manager of Library Services
At the Annual General Meeting, the Board of Directors of the Friends of the Winnipeg Public Library Board will be proposing amendments to By-law No. 1, as follows:
Clause 30:
The secretary is to attend all meetings of the board or of members (Insert:) as needed, and act as clerk of board meetings, recording all votes and minutes of proceedings in the Minute Book. The secretary is responsible to give notice of meetings of the members or of the board and to do whatever else the board requests. The secretary is responsible for the Corporate seal. The secretary shall be the Privacy Officer for the Corporation.
(Insert:) The secretary shall be the Records Manager for the Corporation. The president may designate a board member to act as secretary on an as-required basis.
Clause 37:
The annual meeting shall always:
o Receive the President’s report
o Receive the financial statements and Accountant’s report
o Approve an annual budget for the association
o Appoint an accountant
o Elect a board of directors and officers for the ensuing year
o Deal with any other business brought before it.